Treetops investing millions to help you enjoy your stay

Treetops investing millions to help you enjoy your stay at Michigan’s Most Spectacular Resort

Treetops has broken ground on several projects that will result in a noticeable difference to guests visiting the resort this year.  By securing a PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) Loan Treetops has embarked on several projects that will improve energy efficiency, disaster resilience and/or water conservation.

Treetops plans to complete the entire $2.7 Million process over the course of 2021 allowing current and not so distant future guests to experience the upgrades right away.  Current and completed projects include a comprehensive upgrade of all lighting to LED, upgrading nearly all HVAC systems to 90+ efficiencies, installing room controls to regulate heating and cooling when not in use, an insulation renovation of our 3 most frequently used buildings and replacement of many entrance doors around the property.  Many of these upgrades are not flashy to the eye but Treetops guests will feel the difference while allowing our resort to be environmentally conscious.

LED Lighting CC
LED Lighting

PACE work is being carefully managed by Director of Maintenance, Doug Hoeh to stay on schedule and make an impact quickly while being meticulous to not adversely affect or displace the thousands of guests that will be visiting in the next few months.  Projects on the horizon include a new roof on the Convention Center, HVAC units in the restaurants and meeting rooms and a lighting upgrade complete with easy dimming switches in meeting rooms as well.  Just in time to welcome meeting groups back to Treetops as COVID restrictions continue to ease as we beat this pandemic.

We’re thrilled to welcome our guests to Treetops in 2021 to show them how their business has allowed us to reinvest millions back into our property.