Reconnect with the origin of the game.
Treetops' Smith Signature course. Embrace the history of golf.

Smith Signature
Established in 1993 and inspired by his deep admiration of Scottish and Irish tradition, Signature is the first of three Rick Smith-designed courses at Treetops. With the most challenging greens on the property, even accomplished golfers often leave Signature with a higher score than they expect.
In Golf Magazine's "The Midwest: 25 More You Can Play," Rick Smith "Signature" ranks #2 in the region.

Don't wait. Preferred tee times go fast.
Explore Smith Signature.
Experience a birds-eye view of the course.

Hole 1 - Par 4
- 447
- 444
- 422
- 402
- 332
Hole Tips
- A twin hole of #1 on the Fazio Premier as this Par 4 plays down the same slope as that one.
- The bowl shaped fairway gives you the security that you can miss quite a ways to the right or left but the balls often stay upon on the hill to the left and catch tree and bunker trouble on the right... just hit is down the middle.
- A fun driving hole when conditions are firm and fast. Big Hitters have come pretty close to driving this green despite its length of over 400's all down hill. However, the landing area does get tighter the farther you hit it.
- You think this one is beautiful!..just wait, you're in for a treat.

Hole 2 - Par 3
- 176
- 160
- 144
- 142
- 117
Hole Tips
- Former Academy Instructor Jason Guss once made two hole-in-ones on the same day while doing a fundraiser for Otsego Memorial Hospital.
- Missing left of any pin will repel the ball farther away from it. The solution? Get the ball on the same level as the pin or have fun with a 3-putt and a worse score.
- A back left pin begs you to focus on landing near the hole. The green slopes like an upside-down bowl, so the trick is to hit it out to the right and let the slope bring it down. Whether or not you listen to this advice can be found in your scores. Hey, if bogeys are your thing, live your life.

Hole 3 - Par 4
- 467
- 443
- 443
- 411
- 354
Hole Tips
- Nicknamed "Hunter's Heaven".
- In 2003, Treetops hosted the very first season of Golf Channel's wildly successful series, The Big Break, the black tee box was the back drop of the host's set.
- There's a boatload of room in this fairway so the smart thing to do is to aim right at the 150-stake. If you miss a little right or left, you should be fine. However, "smart" and "golfer" rarely comes together for most.
- Playing from an up tee gives a big hitter a shot to carry the bunker in the middle of the fairway but it takes a precise shot to do it. You'll be thoroughly rewarded with a short wedge in if you're successful.
- Even those playing the up tees should take a gander from the black tees as this hole commands majesty and is one of the most amazing sights on our property.

Hole 4 - Par 3
- 186
- 167
- 149
- 114
- 114
Hole Tips
- Hole-in-One Alley rests on the front left of the green. With a pin in that location, balls get spoon-fed onto that side of the green, often falling into the hole with ease. Many get close, but only a handful get a cigar with that pin location.
- With such a deep green, you to ensure your club can carry you past the front bunkers. Make it easy on yourself with a putt from the back green than swinging at sand.
- A right pin begs you to hit it over there but there isn't much room and a miss right of the green means more hard times up and down.
- No, there isn't a body of water in sight, but the natural geography means gusts will be teasing you on every stroke.

Hole 5 - Par 4
- 421
- 392
- 364
- 324
- 283
Hole Tips
- Enter the #1 handicap hole on the course. Easily the least forgiving hole on the course as it plays uphill the whole way.
- Keep it straight off the tee as balls in the right and left woods often stay in the right or left woods. Necessary sacrifices we call them.
- The challenge on this hole is to keep it straight while getting it far enough down the fairway to give you a mid-iron in. Since the green is segmented into 3 sections, approach is tricky. Getting it on the right section is a boon to your play.

Hole 6 - Par 5
- 512
- 503
- 496
- 481
- 382
Hole Tips
- Welcome to the first of three par 5's for this course.
- It's a noble effort to hit your tee shot over the bunker to avoid a stunted advance. Will you succeed, is another thing. Same thing with the approach. Make a bad call about the slope direction (hint: it's sloping away from you) and your ball is taking a trip to the back of the green.
- It might be a good idea to use the middle bunker to aim for glory. Whether or not you are confident enough in your swing, that's for you to decide. What would Wayne Gretzky do?

Hole 7 - Par 4
- 416
- 378
- 354
- 317
- 284
Hole Tips
- A tree used to help people that cut the corner too much. Lightning had different plans. Now that left side of the fairway might tempt you play with fire by hitting over the bunker. Talk about risky business.
- With all the room on the right side of the hole, stay safe by playing away from the bunker on the left. Adds yardage, but you don't like bunkers, so deal with it. The green is a trifold, so stick to the right of most pin locations and you are home-free.

Hole 8 - Par 3
- 190
- 175
- 154
- 128
- 113
Hole Tips
- Another "easy" hole as PGA Director of Golf Kevin McKinley scored his first career ace here.
- If you want to be in trouble, go ahead and miss short. Bonus points if you miss short left. A sloped green means you'll have to pay extra attention to not landing on the wrong side, unless you want a challenging two putt.
- A back-left pin can be annoying, but it's a blessing if your ball ends up next to it. Take your birdie reward, but make sure you take enough club or your ball will be going sand surfing in the bunker.

Hole 9 - Par 4
- 411
- 394
- 364
- 344
- 266
Hole Tips
- Many players will miss their tee shot a bit to the right and when you do, you're second shot is blocked out. This green is an interesting one as the front of the green is several feet higher than the back of the green. Often folks are coaxed into aiming right at a left pin, however, a smarter play is to play the shot to the right of the bunker and let the ball trickle down the hill towards the pin.
- With the right wind, we've seen some big hitters get pretty close to this green off the tee and although to might feel cool if you do so, it can create an awkwardly difficult second shot.
- Front pins may seem easier but getting your ball to stay level takes a good shot with some spin on it. Spinning downhill, prepare for the putt of your life (read: brutal).

Hole 10 - Par 5
- 556
- 523
- 492
- 453
- 453
Hole Tips
- A legend lives on this hole. Catch a lone house to the right on the fairway. Its original owner, Dozer Doug, is the man responsible for shaping the land for all the Treetops North courses.
- While there's room on the left, if you favor it too much, the pines will eat your shot or your ball ends up behind them. Keep tabs on your approach shot as this entire hole plays subtly downhill.
- The second par 5 is before you, so big hitters should put their back into it with this one as this hole sits on a throne of lies; it plays a little shorter than the yardage indicates. Even still, two great shots are the best way to get home. Be extra careful when dealing with the rolling waves of this green.

Hole 11 - Par 3
- 175
- 163
- 145
- 128
- 113
Hole Tips
- Nicknamed "Sanctuary," but don't count your blessings just yet. Stay on the righteous path by sticking left of any target on the green since the hole slopes from left to right. Putts from the left of the hole will be quite fast with the opposite being true from the right side.
- The real challenge becomes working the ball to the right or left given the chute that you're hitting from. Play it straight if you have the shot.
- Alright, it may seem like our buddy Rick Smith ran out of room but rest assured that this was all planned. This hole is a feat as it's naturally cut into the surrounding landscape, as though Mother Nature herself wanted you to golf on it. Don't disappoint.

Hole 12 - Par 4
- 423
- 388
- 366
- 305
- 265
Hole Tips
- You may be inclined to hug the right side off the tee since it's the shortest route to the green, but there's more room left that opens a better angle in, especially to the back right pin.
- The hole's a trickster alright because it holds its bite until the wind and wavy green rears its ugly head during the approach.
- Get your ball on the correct level of the green unless you would like a 3 putt or worse to be in your future.

Hole 13 - Par 4
- 440
- 420
- 392
- 326
- 297
Hole Tips
- Hugging the right side shortens this hole, but only if you can avoid having your ball smacked by branch after branch. Take enough club on shot 2 since gauging the yardage is a little tricky.
- If you can hit your second shot with an iron, congrats, you're a big hitter. But muscles won't trump skill as this one of the hardest holes at Treetops. We'll be impressed if you eek out a birdie.
- Quite a bit of natural area to carry your tee shot over. Eye on the prize, don't freak out.

Hole 14 - Par 4
- 418
- 389
- 361
- 339
- 339
Hole Tips
- A draw might look like the shot to play off the tee, but the left is teeming with trouble. Also, avoid going through the fairway right by hitting less than the driver.
- Again, it's time to go big on your swing to bypass a downhill lie. But don't go too big or you won't get that ball home.
- Left pins create smaller targets but if you hit it in that section of the green, you'll be rewarded with a short putt.

Hole 15 - Par 5
- 485
- 461
- 438
- 414
- 349
Hole Tips
- Your chances to fly that ball like an eagle are pretty high considering the frequency of them on this hole.
- Check the pin location. Whether it's your 2nd or 3rd shot to the green, you really need to make sure you get it on the right level. If you lay up on this one, be sure it's not too far right or too far left because if it is, you'll be in trouble city.
- The scorecard yardage will have you licking your chops when you get to this hole, especially when you see the super wide fairway off the tee. However, you better be prepared for a severe uphill battle for the second shot and the narrow approach near the green.
- Some sights at Treetops never get old. This is one of them. Don't forget to take a gander at this beauty of a View.

Hole 16 - Par 4
- 368
- 361
- 347
- 342
- 254
Hole Tips
- We've seen a few big hitters knock their tee ball on this green.
- Your eye will tell you to hit it down the left side but there is way more room right than you think and the angle on the approach shot is more favorable.
- Don't let the 18th handicap title fool you grasshopper. Despite a tame length, the green is a challenge that slopes lot worse than we're willing to admit from left to right.
- At least one in the foursome will 3-putt this bad boy. Don't be that guy.

Hole 17 - Par 3
- 199
- 181
- 164
- 148
- 90
Hole Tips
- Don't miss right or left. Both sides drop off like Niagara Falls and make for a painful up and down scenario. Good luck putting with a ridge cutting through a third of the green.
- A pin right can look intimidating but contrary to your stress levels, it's your best chance at pin seeking.
- Bust out the royalty of your golf bag as the tee to green drop is significant enough to make you think about clubbing down. Wind is a factor too, so check that often.

Hole 18 - Par 4
- 363
- 343
- 308
- 295
- 199
Hole Tips
- Following the 18th, be sure you stop by the Headstone of "Divot". Divot was Rick Smith's dog when he walked the land to build this course. Upon his passing, Rick put a tribute headstone just off the cart path back to the clubhouse. Legend has it that if you lay the worst ball in your bag next to his headstone, you'll have good luck in your next round.
- There's a ton of room right off the tee so don't even think about looking left. Balls that hit on the front of the green often come back for revenge off the front. Good luck with this approach.
- To get the tee ball closer to the green, you'll need to show the left side who's the boss with the tree and bunker goading you. Do you think you're big enough to clear both?

The Smith Signature course is arguably the most visually intimidating yet enjoyable course at Treetops Resort. Perhaps the best course in the Gaylord area. - Bryan T.
"Treetops is a great golf course with great views… We played the Signature, a favorite of ours, but there are four other courses that are all just as spectacular with varying levels of difficulty."
- BikeNhike
For a full Treetops experience, be sure to check out our Pro Shop. And ship those sticks!

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Treetops has something in store for all golfers' taste, style and needs. With two Pro Shops on the property, we carry a wide selection of brand name shoes and equipment.

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Visit our Pro Shop
Treetops has something in store for all golfers' taste, style and needs. With two Pro Shops on the property, we carry a wide selection of brand name shoes and equipment.

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Your clubs delivered. Ship Sticks provides a hassle-free travel experience backed by an on-time guarantee. Traveling to your golf destination just got easier!