Dear Diary…

Dear Diary,      


10 inches of snow for the month, can’t wait until April…going to be an early spring!


18 inches of snow but it has warmed up so the snow has melted off of most of the golf courses. Man the courses look good, March is right around the corner and so are warmer temps and green grass. It’s going to be an early spring, I can just feel it!


10 inches of snow for the month but it also melts off. Courses are still looking great, colder than normal but no big deal. Sun is out and while the air is cold the sun feels great. Spring is right around the corner.


ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! 39 inches of snow with 30 inches of snow coming April 13-16!!! What are you doing to me Mother Nature? I went from happy go lucky to pissed off!! I’m mad at my wife, my kid, my car, my staff…I’m even mad at myself (is that possible?) How can this happen? We were all set up for an early spring. What do we do now? We’ve already painted tee markers, trash cans, ball-washers. We’ve sharpened all the reels, changed all the oil and washed all the equipment. What do we do? Golfers are chomping at the bit to golf; staff is excited to get back on the courses. What do we do? What we do is wait, I’ve been in this business over 25 years and the one thing I’ve learned is Mother Nature doesn’t care what you have planned or wanted to do. She is the boss and don’t you forget it!!

We are just as excited for golf season to start here at Treetops as you are…maybe more! Rest assured that we WILL have the golf courses ready to open in great shape as soon as we can. We are working on some tree projects that we can get to and going over everything twice (trust me we have time!). But as soon as we see green grass it will be “GO TIME” and nobody is more ready and excited than us. SO “think spring” cause it will happen and when it does, it will be spectacular!

Until next time diary,

Doug Hoeh

Director of Golf Maintenance/Mountain Manager