Ambidextrous Aces

Lori Boettler got her first hole in one in California on May 28, 2003 playing right handed with a Pro-V1 ball. A Golf Channel announcer made a casual comment to her about swinging both left and right handed, so she asked him if he knew of any female ever getting a hole in one both right handed and left handed. He said he was not aware of any female accomplishing this, and that inspired her to switch from playing right handed to left handed.
All these years later, she was planning to switch back to playing right handed for various reasons, including the fact that her game wasn't improving, she didn't swing as well, and found it difficult to get left handed clubs. She's sure glad she didn't quit! She got her second ace on September 7, 2018 playing left handed (at Treetops) with another Pro-V1 ball! Lori is still the first known woman to accomplish this feat, (that we can find). The other fun fact is that she had not been using Pro-V1 balls lately, but she won a dozen of them in a tournament and decided to pull one out on Threetops #2 that day.