
Join the Pickleball Craze at Treetops Resort

It's all the rave these days! The perfect game for all ages and all skill sets. Play pickleball at Treetops Resort. Don’t have the right equipment? We have you covered! Checkout rackets, balls, and a net from our front desk at no additional cost. Get your game on!


What’s Next:

  • Don’t have the gear? We have you covered! Check out all the necessary equipment at no additional cost from our front desk at the Lodge.
  • Where are the courts? At the top of the hill near The Inn you will find our Tennis courts. Here you can set up the net you check out from the front desk.

Location Gaylord, MI

Additional information +

Treetops Resort offers access to our pickleball courts but does not organize games or provide reservations. For equipment or additional services, please visit our front desk at the Lodge.